About Us

How We Got Started

We grew up farming: growing vegetables, fruits, and nuts.  Along with dairy and beef cows, hogs, and we had free-range chickens and guineas before “free range” became a conversation.

Our property had a year-round creek with about 60 acres of woods, we fished year-round and hunted squirrel, rabbit, and deer.

Growing up the way we did was just life to us.  Now, it has been titled homesteading or living off the land.


Our Mission

A Cucumber on the vine with flowers



Our mission is simple:  Provide useful information to help you start, build, or improve your ability to produce high-quality vegetables, fruits, and nuts for your family.  We will throw in a few recipes to give you ideas.

Since we are located in the Deep South, Mississippi, our information will cover topics concerning the lower forty-eight.



Community Service



As part of our commitment to providing community service, we plan to showcase other like-minded farmers and growers, here in the United States and abroad.

The requirements are as follows:

  1.  It has to be written in English and plain text only through the Contact Page.
  2.  One link to a companion website in good standing with Google or appropriate spam-fighting sites.
  3. The article is required to pass  Plagiarism and Spam Tests.