Gardening feeds the world!

A bold statement, but it is true. Without gardening, the people of the world would eventually starve. 

It can be your tomato or pepper plants on the patio or the corporate farms, it’s still “gardening” on a much larger scale.

This site is dedicated to the home gardener, who brings fresh food to his/her family, friends, and community table. Our gardening advice is meant to help teach future generations how to raise food for their table.

We will discuss the following: how to raise vegetables, fruits, and flowers through raised beds, hydroponic, organic, vertical, indoor, different zones, rows, plots, and containers.  These are some of the many ways to raise food for your table.  And, yes, there are some flowers you can eat. 

Raising vegetables helps to teach the next generation the importance of taking care of our lands and water sources. It is a character-building experience, teaching responsibility in taking care of plants.

Red Cayenne Peppers growing on the plant

Herb gardening is often overlooked and yet is one of the simplest. Herbs are easy to grow and harvest and can be tucked in with vegetables and flowers.

Flowers add vibrant color to break up the greens of your vegetable patch. Companion flowers bring natural insect repellant to your plants.  These help to protect your vegetables and allow you to reduce the amount of chemicals used on your plants.

Be cautious when using chemicals. Always follow the directions! Do not put more than is recommended on your plants. Remember, they are living things and absorb what is around them.

Utilizing the information provided, you can build trellises, arches, pergolas, containers, raised beds, hydroponics, design plots, upward, and more. Be the talk of your neighborhood, in a good way, and display your heirlooms and the latest varieties.  And, as always: Pay It Forward!  Teach with humbleness and folks will listen.

Gardener101’s goal: is to give you the down-and-dirty of what works in your area.  We want you to have the tools to do the job as efficiently as possible to grow produce.  You will be proud to set your dining room table to feed your family and friends or give to the local food banks.

If you know something that works in your area, let us know and we will verify and include the information for your fellow gardeners. Use the comment boxes to let everyone know your shortcut. Help others feed their family and friends.